[TenTec] Omni V.9 and Filters

Anthony Bowyer adb1x1 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 26 08:39:12 EST 2004

   After much debate, I have decided to leave the HF
world, so I have for sell an excellent Omni V and


Omni V:
2.4khz and 500hz filters

FM Board

V.9 microprocessor upgrade. No physical changes to
keypad, stick on labels for V.9 changes. 

Recently fully aligned by Ten-Tec. 

Front panel nearly perfect, some slight paint flaking
along where the top and bottom meet. A couple of small
places on mid left curve of cabinet (you really have
to look for them). Small scratch on bottom cover. Has
new eeprom and is socketed (gold plated). 

Pictures are available (not the best, but will give
you an idea.)
$600.00 + shipping, or with all the filters below,
$800.00 + shipping. 

Ten-Tec Crystal Filters:
218 - 1.8khz 9mhz Filter $65.00 + shipping
219 - 250hz 9mhz Filter  $65.00 + shipping

INRAD Crystal Filter (nearly new):
751 - 400hz 6mhz Filter for 562 / 563 $80.00 +

I would rather wait until the Omni V is sold before I
sell the filters, in case the buyer wants them. 

I also have a Quad for local pickup if anyone is
interested. Don't want to list it here. I'm in
Bristol, TN

adb1x1 at yahoo.com or you can call 423-229-1645 during
the day.



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