[Fwd: Re: [TenTec] Re: Ten-Tec]

k1swr at adelphia.net k1swr at adelphia.net
Tue May 4 06:42:12 EDT 2004

	Your correct, you must prove association, not just heritage. Amazing how 
the government dictates where your spirit lies!


Barry (Mi"Kma of the First Nations)

of the dust
"Men must be born and reborn to belong. Their bodies must be formed of dust 
of their forefather's bones."
									Luthor Standing Bear, Lakota

But then enough, this isn't related to this thread!

From: tongaloa <tongaloa at alltel.net>
Date: 2004/05/03 Mon PM 04:07:21 EDT
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Re: Ten-Tec

k1swr at adelphia.net wrote:

 >and what tribe are you associated with Tom:-)
This is a big deal as in the eyes of the US gov.
no tribal association means you're not a native American!

Also, it has to be a 'recognized and on the list' tribe!

-Bob (great grandfathers mother was native american and father a frenchy
fur trapper :-)

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