[TenTec] new emissins rules

Tommy aldermant at alltel.net
Sun May 9 08:32:21 EDT 2004

That's kinda strange. I never really noticed key clicks much on 40m except
on rare occasions. But I'm quickly finding a very different story on
20m...seems like about 80% of the CW signals on 20m are accompanied with
clicks. Most descriptions of their rigs are the top two foreign brands.

I  normally run my Orion with a rise time of 8ms at speeds below 40 wpm and
have asked numerous times for a check for clicks, both with and without the
amp running and have gotten no click reports yet. However if I run over 40
wpm, I have to drop the rise time down to 3ms, which does create so clicks.

Tom - W4BQF

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul DeWitte K9OT" <k9ot at mhtc.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 3:02 AM
Subject: [TenTec] new emissins rules

> Not being technically oriented, does this mean that all of those key
> from the brand X radios have to be cleaned up? They were probably illegal
> begin with but nobody did amything about them.
> 73 Paul K9OT
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