[TenTec] new emissions rules

ac5e at comcast.net ac5e at comcast.net
Sun May 9 17:01:44 EDT 2004

Yep, back in 1949 partition noise was defined as an instantanious shift in the relative currents in the elements of a vacuum tube. Circa 1963 anologous shifts in current flow occuring in solid state devices were detected as well. 

It matters not whether it's partitioning between a grid and plate or base and collector, random or quasi-random shifts in the current drawn from a current source (cathode or emitter) and the active current sinking elements (grids/base-plate/collector) still occur - and are still called partition noise. 

73  Pete Allen  AC5E

Never squat with your spurs on
Partition noise is the result of variations in > the division of current within the positive electrodes within a electronic 
> vaccumn (sic) tube.
> 73, Jim

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