[TenTec] switching to Orion

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at verizon.net
Sun May 16 13:38:14 EDT 2004

> I decided to make my operating
>console (four HF operating positions) all-Orion. 
Even without a color display!

> I've sold an FT-1000mp and
>an IC-756PROII and am preparing to sell my IC-756PRO, IC-781 and FT-1000D.
>That should tell you something.
It tells me that you have made your decision based on real on the air 
performance, and customer service.

Still, I realize that there are other factors that influence other 
peoples purchasing decisions. Just look at the automobiles on the road. 
Some have various colored lights underneath the cars and in the wheel 
wells. Some have funny wheel trim disks that can spin at a different 
speed from the wheel. These things are important enough to some people 
that they spend their money on them. Some people like a lot of buttons 
and knobs on their radio and a color display. It's okay. They should be 
able to buy that if that is what they want.



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