[TenTec] New Orion Firmware

Bob Henderson bob at cytanet.com.cy
Thu May 20 19:16:18 EDT 2004

Hi Bill

Bill Tippett wrote:

> In addition to muting the receiver, the PTT line should be closing
> the AMP KEY line to your amplifier.  I agree that the radio still works
> in QSK, but of course you can adjust EXT T/R Delay so that the amp will
> still work in Semi-Breakin in case you forget to depress PTT.  As I 
> recall,
> this is exactly how my MP worked.  Although my preferred mode was to
> press my footswitch, Semi-breakin was there to "rescue" me in case I did
> not depress it fast enough for the computer keying (I also use manual 
> keying
> in parallel with CT for contests).
>         Bottom line to all of this is Orion's PTT should definitely be
> closing your amplifier's T/R relay in addition to muting Orion.  If it
> is NOT doing that, something is wrong with your setup, but it works fine
> for me.  This is what I expected when I first set up my Orion last 
> August,
> and was very disappointed when my footswitch via the MIC connector gave
> me a key-down carrier on CW!  Thanks to Ten-Tec for listening.
>                                                 73,  Bill  W4ZV
I hadn't noticed that the amp T/R line was being keyed as I didn't have 
the amp on.  I've just checked and it is doing so, exactly as you 
suggest.  I tried out this feature because it is new, not because I need 
it as both my amps are QSK.  I have to say I am still puzzled.  I will 
be interested to see what others have to say but it seems to me that QSK 
continuing to operate in PTT mode is inappropriate.  Isn't the purpose 
of PTT or MOX control is to ensure you can't transmit unintentionally?  
I don't want to diminish what Ten Tec have achieved here but it does 
seem they are only 80% there on the implementation of this.  A TX 
inhibit is required to finish the job.

BTW does your RIT set on Fast now have that "dirty pot" feel?

73  Bob, 5B4AGN, P3F

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