Thomas Uhlman
tuhlman at kimbanet.com
Sat May 22 23:14:07 EDT 2004
OK I just tested my Orion with many different settings and here's what I
First I did a master reset...
Using the internal keyer I have found that the receiver recover time
decreases when the CW Rise/Fall time is set lower (naturally) and also when
the weighting is set lower... When the weighting is set at 50% and the
rise/fall time is set to 3 mS, I can hear the receiver between dits up to
about 25 wpm... With the weighting set at 100%, I can hear the receiver
between dits up to about 20 wpm... With the weighting set at 150%, I can
hear between dits at only about 18 wpm... As I stated before, with any
settings I can hear the receiver between characters ... I am happy with this
though... For QSK operation, it works fine for me....
Tom NJ1K
----- Original Message -----
From: <ac5e at comcast.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 9:58 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] ??QSK GONE AWAY
> QSK gone away? Not on my Orion. I can hear another station between dits at
what the MFJ 493 keyer says is 60 - and with what the internal keyer says is
60. So I certainly have QSK - at speeds higher than I ever want to run.
When it comes to CW I prefer city speed limits to interstate speed limits!
I will leave the autobahn speeds to the young guys.
> If it helps, the sidetone is turned down to 9 so it does not swamp the
other station, QSK delay is 0, weighting at 100%, and rise time is 3 ms. CW
jack PTT is on and PTT in CW is as key. QSK delay or a slow rise time could
keep the receiver from turning on between dits, or there could be some
garbage left over in a memory position that does not need to be there.
> I did do a master reset after the latest download. A couple of downloads
back down the road I had to do a "hold the lock down" complete memory
cleanout but not this time. And not at all unless some glitch that has not
revealed itself so far appears.
> 73 Pete Allen AC5E
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