[TenTec] Best Radio for a Scout Camp?

Bwana Bob wb2vuf at qsl.net
Mon May 24 22:10:26 EDT 2004

Consider a Corsair, they are easy to operate for newcomers and guest
operators and there isn't much that can go wrong with them.

			Bob WB2VUF

ad9t_tentec at burnshome.org wrote:
> Recently a significant amount of amateur radio equipment was given to the
> Boy Scouts in my area. I am in the process of setting up a station at the
> council camp. This station will be used during summer camp to teach the
> Radio Merit badge. During the rest of the year the station will be available
> for use by anyone associated with scouting that has the appropriate amateur
> license. I would like some advice on what is the best HF rig for the
> station.
> Currently, we have a Kenwood TS-520s. This is a nice radio for SSB, but the
> need to tune the finals makes it more difficult to operate than I prefer for
> a station that will have many walk-in users. It is also not a great CW rig.
> CW may not be that important, but I think youth find it interesting so I
> want the rig to work well for CW. Also, the internal VFO in the TS-520s does
> not work. We have the external VFO so the rig can be used, but this will be
> very confusing for walk-in users.
> I am hoping to get a newer HF rig for the camp. Ease of use is probably the
> most important criteria. Reliability is next in line. Contest radio
> performance is not needed, but I do want the radio to be good enough to
> attract a supply of volunteer operators. Knowing that anything we purchase
> works is also very important. I definitely will not be risking the scouts'
> money on an e-bay purchase. Ten-Tec's warranty on used radios fits this
> need.
> The Ten-Tec Jupiter seems like an excellent possibility for the scout
> station. I have never used one, but it appears to meet all our needs. The
> Omni series radio may also be a good possibility. I recently acquired an
> Omni VI for my personal use, and it seems to be easy to use. The menus are a
> bit cryptic, but there are not many menu settings. I might consider selling
> my Omni VI to the Scouts for what I have in it. This is considerably less
> than what a used one from Ten-Tec costs.
> Please share your ideas about what will make the best HF rig for a Boy Scout
> camp amateur radio station.
> Jeff Burns
> AD9T
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