[TenTec] OT: Telrex Manuals
w4wvw at msn.com
Tue May 25 22:49:07 EDT 2004
I sure would like to have a copy of the TB5EM assembly manual if you would
be willing to do so before you send it to John or maybe John could send me a
copy. I have been using a TB5EM for several years and never had a manual for
it. I do have a large drawing of the antenna but it shows very little of the
finished dimensions. I think they were color coded and predrilled from the
factory to simplify the assembly but that has very little bearing on the
situation 20 or 25 (25 or 30?) years later. Sure is a stout antenna, and
it's like having an amplifier on top of the tower (or pole in my case). Your
help would be greatly appreciated and would gladly pay for the postage and
copies or whatever.
Thank you much. 73. Ed/w4wvw
>From: "David Reynolds" <k6wrf at gotnet.net>
>Reply-To: tentec at contesting.com
>To: <jhgraves at gis.net>, <tentec at contesting.com>
>Subject: Re: [TenTec] OT: Telrex Manuals
>Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 06:42:42 -0700
>Hi John,If you want I still have most all of the docs and assembly manual
>for my TB5EM plus I have a Telrex catalog dated 1980...I think the 4 ele is
>a dualband 15/20m ant...
>If you want the stuff I have you are welcome to it,just send me the mailing
>address and I will send it to you,ok?
>I dont need it anymore as the ant was destroyed by lightening years ago and
>has been replaced by a Force 12..
> 73 Dave K6WRF
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <jhgraves at gis.net>
>To: <tentec at contesting.com>
>Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 9:00 AM
>Subject: [TenTec] OT: Telrex Manuals
> > Our club has two telrex antennas that we are trying to restore for
> > possible FD use. The first is a four element tribander (2 trapped
> > elements and a full size 10m element, I think) The second is a two
> > element tribander. We have no documentation but the boom is the 2 ton
> > Telrex type and the traps are the coffee colored ones with the doorknob
> > caps on top, except for the traps that have been repaired.
> >
> > Does anyone have any documentation on these? We are guessing on the
> > element length big time.
> >
> > Thanks as always,
> >
> > John / WB1EHL
> >
> >
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