[TenTec] Re: [Orion] Transverters and Orion

Ulrich Hilsinger dh0ghu at dh0ghu.de
Tue Nov 2 15:34:10 EST 2004


I've never seen this output power control problem. With my ORION, I 
easily can control the transverter output power from nothing til max 
with the front panel control. It works excellent.
I use it together with a SSB electronic LT2S-MKII transverter.
By the way, this combination is much more performant than the usually 
(at least here in central Europe) used contest setups using a TS850 as 
transverter IF transceiver. The TS850 suffered from a very limited 
transverter power variation range (only few dB) and from a severe 
instability over the normal operating temperature range. (A TS850 is 
still in use for 70cm here, while the ORION is doing an excellent job 
for 2m and 23cm)

dh0ghu at dh0ghu.de

Joe Giacobello schrieb:

> Back a couple of months ago, I had received some info from one or two 
> folks who were using DEM transverters with the Orion.  Unfortunately, I 
> had multiple HD crashes and lost the info and the IDs of the 
> correspondents.  If you're the guy(s) who corresponded with me, please 
> resend the info.  (K9YC was this you?)
> I am successfully using a DEM 6M transverter with the Orion.  The only 
> problem that I've observed is that the power output is not variable via 
> the Orion's front panel power output control. The output is either zero 
> or maxed; there's no in-between.  TT service says that there's something 
> wrong with the Orion and to send it in for service.  It's not enough of 
> a problem for me to do that, but I wonder if others using a transverter 
> are able to vary their output power via the front panel control.
> I would also like to be able to easily switch between DEM 6M and 2M 
> transverters.  The only way I see to do this is via a multi-wafer switch 
> that switches four lines (I think.  I haven't really looked at the 
> switching requirements that closely.)  Is anyone out there currently 
> switching the Orion between multiple transverters?  I'd like to know 
> exactly what you're doing.
> Thanks and 73,
> Joe
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