[TenTec] QSK/QRQ problem with Orion / ACOM 2000A

NJ0IP Rick at dj0ip.de
Wed Nov 10 23:18:59 EST 2004

Thanks for the info Serg,  I will have my friend contact ACOM as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]On
Behalf Of Sergei Kulyov
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 11:58 AM
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: Re[2]: [TenTec] QSK/QRQ problem with Orion / ACOM 2000A


I want to add my 2 cents. I do have the same issue while I was trying to use
Orion and ACOM2000A all together in non-QSK mode (the Amp key connector on
Orion's rear panel). It does not work. I was getting the ARC Fault. Only the
combination while using the Orion's QSK mode with looping ACOM200A works..
But I don't think that the ACOM2000A's vacuum relay will be the "old timer"
with such set up. I did ask TenTec support on that but haven't got the clear
response. I was in touch with ACOM folks (thru local distributor) on this
issue and can confirm that Bulgarians are aware on that problem and possibly
will introduce kind of interfaice to make happy the owners of almost 10$K
set up!

73's from Mother Russia

Sergei UA3AP
owner of Orion (not in used yet), OMNI0VI+, FT-1000MP MV Field radios

-----Original Message-----
From: "n4lq" <n4lq at iglou.com>
To: tentec at contesting.com
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 14:37:37 -0500
Subject: Re: [TenTec] QSK/QRQ problem with Orion / ACOM 2000A

> Per TenTec...On the Omni VI+, they came out with firmware 1.03 in an
> attempt to eliminate the microCHIRP. The revision added a delay to the
> keying of the PLL's oscillator. The downside to this is that if you key
> above about 64 wpm the PLL's timing went wacko and cw was chopped and
> erratic. This is why some of us have gone back to version 1.02. With
> this version you can go up to about 70 wpm before weird things begin to
> happen. Keying sounds ok at 75 wpm but if you hold down the dit paddle
> and listen to yourself in another receiver you will hear a murmur in the
> rhythm begin to form.
> The Orion had QSK in the earlier firmware versions but due to clicking
> in the sidetone and whatever else, they added a delay in later versions
> and now QSK is non-existent over about 20 WPM or so. QSK means being
> able to hear between dits and dahs. Not many rigs nowdays can do this
> without some kind of quirk, be it pops, thumps, clicks or just plain
> slowness. ICOMs can do it but not without an external keyer with added
> weight compensation. Yaesus are slow. Kenwoods seem to do better in this
> department. Kenwood has a real weight control on their internal keyers
> and good timing. I don't know how they do at 75 wpm though.
> N4LQ Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Tommy" <aldermant at alltel.net>
> To: <tentec at contesting.com>
> Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 09:35:55 -0500
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] QSK/QRQ problem with Orion / ACOM 2000A
> > Rick....
> >
> > Your friends problem is not funny, but I just have to sit here and
> > chuckle to myself. For some 14 months I have been talking about this
> > problem and having to read the responses of how I must be too dumb
> > to know how to set up a ham station. The Keying Loop and the
> > constant time-shifted CW characters WAS and it STILL IS a firmware
> > problem with the Orion. Everyone will tell your friend that what he
> > is experiencing just is not true, but none of these folks are
> > running CW at speeds over 40 wpm, they just 'forget' to add that
> > fact. But I will tell you that it IS a firmware problem. And at this
> > point, I'm almost convinced that Ten Tec does not know how to solve
> > it.Unfortunately if your friend calls Ten Tec about this, they are
> > NOW telling Orion owners that none of their transceivers are
> > guaranteed to operate QSK above 40 wpm, but they can't explain why
> > if that is the case, their internal keyer is spec'd to operate up to
> > 60 wpm! If you look at the spec's of the Orion, you will not find
> > any mention of QSK, therefore Ten Tec can verbally tell the user
> > what ever they wish, and not have to deal with the problem.
> >
> > To me, what is really sad, is that Ten Tec built its sterling
> > reputation among CW operators of always producing the very BEST full
> > QSK CW radio available. This is no longer true today, IF you enjoy
> > running CW over about 40 wpm. The sad part, espically coming from
> > the company I truely admired for many, many years, it is now 'let
> > the customer beware'!
> >
> > In my opinion, if your friend pays some $3300 + USD for a
> > transceiver, plus what ever additional for an amplifier, he SHOULD
> > NOT then have to go out and buy a special keyer to make them work
> > together!
> >
> > My Omni 6 Plus was sent back to Ten Tec to revert back to logic chip
> > v1.02, simply because it also would not key over 40wpm. I was
> > resoundingly told by the manager of the Ten Tec repair department
> > that reverting back to logic chip v1.02 "had nothing to do with QSK
> > or it's ability to send CW over 40wpm", however after having that
> > change made to my Plus, it now works quite well up to 75 wpm.
> >
> > My Orion still will not work correctly when using my Titan 3
> > amplifier in the Keying Loop, however, maricously, the Titan 3 plays
> > flawless when being driven by my Omni 6 Plus or my Icom IC-781.
> >
> > Tom - W4BQF
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "NJ0IP" <Rick at dj0ip.de>
> > To: "Tentec at Contesting. Com" <tentec at contesting.com>
> > Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 4:24 PM
> > Subject: [TenTec] QSK/QRQ problem with Orion / ACOM 2000A
> >
> >
> > > One of our local hams is having problems mating his Orion 564 to
> > > his ACOM 2000A (automatic linear).
> > > The problem is only when trying to run full QSK at speeds above
> > > 40 wpm.
> > > In SSB or when running slower speeds, everything works just fine.
> > >
> > > First he tried to use the QSK keying loop, but found at high
> > > speeds, the characters were being shortened to the extent that
> > > the code was not readable.
> > >
> > > The next step was to key the amp in the normal fashion, as if it
> > > were not a QSK amp.
> > > He adjusted the keying delay to give the amp time to switch its
> > > TR relay.
> > >
> > > The problem when running this way is, the 2000A gives an error
> > > message: "ARC Fault", which I believe indicates a bad SWR between
> > > the TX and the AMP.  Sounds to me like the amp's relay isn't
> > > switching fast enough.
> > >
> > > This problem only occurs when a dit is keyed.
> > > If he keys a dah, there is not problem.
> > >
> > > Has anyone used the ACOM 2000A with the Orion successfully under
> > > these conditions, or, does anyone have any suggestions of how he
> > > might successfully use the two together for high-speed CW?
> > >
> > > Tnx es 73
> > > Rick
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