[TenTec] Radio black outs...

Duane Grotophorst n9dg at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 10 17:17:26 EST 2004

Black outs? what black outs? conditions have been
pretty good...

That is if you have SSB/CW coverage above all of those
"DC" bands (<30Mhz). Those of us who primarily play on
50Mhz and up have been having quite a bit of fun
lately with all of this Aurora stuff. Love to see more
of it...;). 


--- Eric SENSI <eric.sensi at skynet.be> wrote:

> Hi folks...
> I've lost my antennas or there are some
> geomagnetical storms around that are
> doing some radio blackouts ?!?
> I never heard so much "silence" on the 40m and 20m
> bands these days... It is
> also very quiet this evening here (10:30PM)...
> I wish I had an SGC-2020, not a beautiful Orion !
> :-)
> Eric, ON6CV.

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