[TenTec] TXCO unit

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at verizon.net
Fri Nov 12 17:34:22 EST 2004

Chuck (Jack) Hawley wrote:

> Also I wonder if the band oscillators are going to vary
>that much anyway...negating any better stability from the TCXO. The BFO
>oscillators are fairly stable. I have them adjusted to within a couple of
>hertz and they stay where I put them.
 From my Omni VI manual, section 4-9  "... A PLL circuit on the Logic 
board compares this signal to a precision reference frequency and sends 
a d.c. correction voltage back to the oscillator via....... ...always 
locked to a precision reference....."

So the "band switching oscillators" are as stable and accurate as the 
TCXO or ovenized oscillator. The BFOs  do not have this type of setup, 
and can be a source of instability or inaccuracy even if your reference 
oscillator is locked to WWV's cesium standards.


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