[TenTec] amp/tuner advice needed...

Duane A Calvin ac5aa at juno.com
Fri Oct 1 22:08:30 EDT 2004

As one who has owned both the Centaur and the Centurion, I'd recommend
the Centurion.  You'll run 600w with ease on it, and the fan noise is
almost non-existant.  I also felt the component quality of the Centurion
was better - the mini-toggle switches on the Centaur fail relatively
quickly.  I think it was John, K5XTX who noted that he was able to quiet
the Centaur's fan noise quite a bit by just bending the cabinet side
metal strips between the air slots so that they were opened more.  The
noise is caused by the restrictions immediately in front of the rotating
fan blades.  Take the case off and you'll see what I mean.  Both are good
amps, but I'd go for the Centurion even though it's the pricier solution.

        73,  Duane

On Fri, 1 Oct 2004 17:57:51 -0700 Gary Tuck <gtuck at mac.com> writes:
> I'm considering a medium size amp--500-600w output--to team up with 
> my 
> Orion.  I would like to maintain QSK since I operate CW the vast 
> majority of the time.  Should I be looking for a used Centaur or an 
> older Centurion.  I'm not fond of blower noise at all and while the 
> Centaur sounds like the right amp, I've read that the noise level is 
> considerable.  And what about tuners--Is there any difference 
> between 
> the 238, 238A and 238B than cosmetics?
> Have folks had good luck with the MFJ nee Ameritron amps in this 
> output 
> range.
> Sure appreciate your thoughts and advice.  The only amp I've 
> used--and 
> it was a long time ago- was a Hammarlund and had a pair of 572B's.
> Gary
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Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas


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