[TenTec] Delta 580 questions

whip wilson bigbaldbull at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 9 14:10:34 EDT 2004

Sounds like you might have a crystal calibrator on.
--- Jason Reber <jreber at sisna.com> wrote:

> Greetings;
> I just picked up a Delta 580, and I really like the
> size and layout of 
> this rig. Hoewever, this unit has a few issues that
> I'm hoping someone 
> may have encountered before.
> 1st, there is a astable tone being generated
> whenever the VFO is set to 
> xx.046 MHz (USB or CW), or xx.050 LSB.  The tone is
> about 1 KHz, and 
> alternates on and off at about 2Hz. Again,
> regardless of band, when the 
> VFO is set to 46 Khz (USB or CW), or 50Khz (LSB),
> this on/off tone 
> appears. It only persists for about 1 KHz either
> side of 46 Khz.  
> Something must be resonating on the back end, and
> coupling the tone into 
> the audio, but I'm perplexed as to why it's
> intermittent- on/off at 
> about 2Hz, and with a 50% duty cycle.
> 2nd, does anyone find that they need to switch the
> attenuator (rear 
> panel switch) in to get decent RX performance? If I
> don't switch it in, 
> I get extreme, brassy noise and poor AGC
> performance. I may just need to 
> check out the AGC circuit and look for problems, but
> I'd appreciate any 
> comments. The S-meter performance seems sluggish,
> and the audio seems 
> like its getting cut off below 500 Hz- very brassy,
> harsh audio. None of 
> the other TT rigs I've had (Omni D, Scout, Jupiter)
> have ever sounded 
> like this.
> Finally, if anyones had a Delta with the crystal
> filter, would you 
> advise getting one (Inrad available, I think)?
> Thanks for any comments or suggestions,
> Jason  AC7JW
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