[TenTec] Wanted Filter 218

Alan Zaur AlanZaur at Adelphia.Net
Thu Oct 14 20:40:18 EDT 2004

Steve N4LQ wrote:

>I'm looking for a 218 filter. This is the 1.8khz filter for the 9mhz IF and is used in many TenTec rigs from the Omni A series to present. Please respond directly to my email address.
>n4lq at iglou.com
>Steve N4LQ
>TenTec mailing list
>TenTec at contesting.com

I checked when I got home tonight, the filter in the box is actually a 
model 285 500Hz filter--not the 1.8 KHz filter.  I am sorry for throwing 
you a curve ball.   I was just trying to be helpful.

Good luck finding the SSB filter you need.


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