[TenTec] Heil Mics and Jupiter

Scott Portz n0yi at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 21 14:13:10 EDT 2004

I purchased a Heil Studio One for my Jupiter and have had great reviews from QSO’s, but I have noticed I have to keep the mic gain up around 85% to barley kick the ALC, almost 90% if I put on the windsock. I also have the "Heil Line" cable for the Ten- Tec purchased directly from Heil. Should I worry?

Current config:

TX bandwidth: 2700

TX roll-off: 300

No Processor

When I had the Ten-Tec 705 Mic, I kept mic gain around 25%. 

BTW: Can barely hear any output from Monitor settings. Side tone okay.

Any suggestions, comments or configuration help would be greatly appreciated.



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