THE DOT, key to Mojo (Was [TenTec] Orion Light Humor)

JBA ballen at
Sat Sep 4 11:16:31 EDT 2004

Actually the Orange dot began to go away several years ago. My Pegasus and
705 mic are three years old and both came with the Black dot.

de Benton wb5twc

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Able2fly at>
To: <tentec at>
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2004 6:01 AM
Subject: THE DOT, key to Mojo (Was [TenTec] Orion Light Humor)

> One  thing my Orion does not have -- that little ball between the "Ten"
> "Tec"  does not have a red dot on it like all the rest of my TT rigs had.
> Anybody know why TenTec changed that on the Orion?
> I think I will  upgrade mine and paint that ball red.
> Paul,  WQ1C
> =================================
> Careful, Paul.
> That colorful dot in the TT logo isn't RED.
> It must be the proper shade of TT ORANGE or the rig will not have the
> classic TT MOJO.
> I've also found the upgrade to be mandatory for proper QSK over  100 wpm.
> Bill  K3UJ
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