[TenTec] Orion reflector discussions

Joe Malloy jmalloy at hamilton.edu
Wed Sep 8 14:15:02 EDT 2004

Grant Youngman wrote:

>>,,<snip> ....I guess the
>>happy Orion owners don't say much.
>If you're a very happy Orion owner (like I am, too), and you say it too 
>often, you get the "cultist" label pinned on your forehead :-)

Yup, you are spot on and it's a shame -- we shouldn't allow ourselves to 
be cowed by people who use label such as that.  I've had my Orion for 
about 9 months and I've not had a stitch of trouble with it (well, after 
one update I did have to perform a master reset).  And if a future 
update does cause a problem?  Gee, it's not a life or death situation....

Good going Ten-Tec!  May you continue along the same lines!


Joe, W2RBA

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