[TenTec] 253 cabling

John Rader k5xtx at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 9 21:44:21 EDT 2004

Thanks for the pics and ideas on operating the 253 remotely. I found a 9423, 
but, I am also thinking about building a cable, similar to yours, for the 
253 that includes the remote tune button and a "ready" LED. The manual shows 
that pin 15 is the reomote tune input and pin 9 is the "ready" LED. A 3 
conductor pigtail bulit into a 10 conductor interface cable ought to take 
care of these 2 functions.
John K5XTX

>When hooking up the 253 & Herc, I needed a remote tune button for the 253, 
>so I used the >one spare conductor ( or I made one a spare)... and use that 
>new button to trip the tune >function on the 253.( which is also up 

>In order to prevent blowing up stuff, i have an ant lockout . When the 253 
>selects an antenna, >that antenna is unavailable to another radio. I placed 
>another wafer on the antenna switch of the >253,,, which goes to my top ten 
>devices switches... this and the next 5 pixs....



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