[TenTec] Re Please tell me about the TT Omni VI+

Larry Robison robison at buckeye-express.com
Thu Sep 30 10:45:58 EDT 2004


I have had a Kenwood TS-870 for over 5 years and a Kenwood TS-850 for over 
two and a whole host of other Kenwood gear. I haven't needed to contact 
Kenwood for either questions or service. Maybe my situation is unique?

On the other hand, I have a TenTec RX-340 that pops and clicks on AM signals 
like crazy doesn't faithfully reproduce even a simple AM broadcast signal 
with accuracy and a Jupiter that get mangled with RF when I kick the AL80B 
on! I would ask if this situation is unique but I already have and it's not 
and TenTec knows about it!

I like TenTec anyway. I visited the factory and Scott took the time to give 
me one of the most fascinating tours I have ever been on. They are really 
nice people. Out of all of the coffee mugs in my cupboard, I grab the TenTec 
coffee mug every time! Sevierville is not, however, the Mecca of amateur 
radio. My TS870 runs circles around the Jupiter .. sure they are not in the 
same class. Then again, at less than half the price, my JRC NRD545 dances 
around my RX-340 and they are not in the same class!

My TenTec tattoo goes on next week but I don't see any reason for all of the 
negativity regarding "other" brands. They all have advantages and 
disadvantages and it just comes down to which one is the prettiest and 
beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder!

--Larry W8ER

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rob Atkinson, K5UJ" <k5uj at hotmail.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 9:24 AM
Subject: [TenTec] Re Please tell me about the TT Omni VI+

> Thanks to all for thoughtful comments.  For the record, I should have 
> mentioned that without the bc band mod, my TS850 suffers from overload 
> from nearby 50 kw mw stations.  No such problem with the Omni VI (or 870 
> or Mk V).
> <Hi Rob, if your happy with your kenwood and yaesu rigs thats great,>
> Thanks very much, yes I am enjoying them quite a bit and running the Omni 
> VI on cw.
> <just try and repair that kenwood>
> I have and things have gone quite well.   you get a bright light, dime 
> store magnifiers and file a sharp tip on your iron. don't forget the angel 
> hair solder.
> < or ask kenwood a question in regards to something that may seem a little 
> bit oa a nusiance or whatever too you.  >
> Have not had to do that yet--so far all questions answered by reading op 
> manuals service manuals and looking at schematics.
> <Oh they'll respond alright with an e-mail their answer is genaerally do a 
> reset.  >
> Reset, reset, that sounds familiar...where have I heard that....oh yeah, 
> right here concerning the Orion.
> <I have had both rigs you mentioned and they can't hold a candle to the 
> omni 6 .  >
> subjective opinion--if we are going that route, i have A/B tested my Omni 
> VI and TS870 on
> 75 SSB; not heard any difference in sensitivity between the two, but the 
> TS870 seemed
> quieter on background noise.  DSB noise blanker in both did equally good 
> job of knocking out
> a new local problem, probably a switching supply in the neighborhood.
> <My suggestion to you is to get on their reflectors where your remarks 
> might be appreciated,>
> I'm not interested in appreciation; I'm interested in helping someone with 
> a question.
> < even better buy an omni 6 and see what your missing. >
> Mine is serial no. 4A10513, and half-way through my 5th year of ownership.
> What are the numbers on your JA rigs?
> < Oh by the way if you want great audio go on AM .>
> My opinion of typical ham AM audio quality is evidently not shared by you 
> John,
> 73,
> rob/k5uj
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