[TenTec] TCXO identification

Kirby Nesbitt knesbitt at nucleus.com
Sun Apr 3 00:44:16 EST 2005

I am wondering if someone might be able to tell me how to identify the
TCXO in a OMNI VI+of  which I am seriously considering purchasing.  We
suspect the radio does possess the TCXO based on its operating stability
however I would like to visually confirm this.  I do not know the
internals of this radio so can't instruct the seller where to look or
how to proceed. I understand that the serial no. is not a good indicator
of whether the radio came equipped or not with this option from the factory.
It is a late production factory VI+ manufactured at the end of the 2000 my.
Any info would be most appreciated.


Kirb,  VE6IV


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