[TenTec] Keyers

Chuck Guenther ni0c at earthlink.net
Sun Apr 3 16:56:19 EDT 2005

Ken Brown asked:  "Does anyone know if there is an "official" definition of exactly what 
mode A and mode B iambic keying are? Are there any specific parameters 
stated by any keyer manufacturer as to the timing of the paddle inputs 
versus the keyer outputs? I have never seen any such specifications, and 
I suspect that minor differences between brands is what gives some 
people trouble switching from one keyer to another."

Here's what K1EL has in his WinKey manual:  

WinKey supports Iambic A, B, Ultimatic, and Bug keying modes. In iambic mode WinKey makes both dits
and dahs automatically based on which paddle you press. In bug mode WinKey makes the dits and you

make the dahs. You also can use bug mode to operate in straight key mode or if you want to key through

WinKey with a different keyer, simply set bug mode and use the dah input to key WinKey.

In either iambic mode, alternating dits and dahs are sent while both paddles are held closed. In mode B an

extra alternate dit or dah is sent after both paddles are released. In Ultimatic mode when both paddles are

pressed the keyer will send a continuous stream of whichever paddle was last pressed.

I use the iambic "B" on both WinKey and the Omni 6 internal keyer, though I really don't (at least consciously)

use iambic or "squeeze" techniques.


Chuck  NI0C


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