[TenTec] Real CW

K5lxz@wmconnect.com K5lxz at wmconnect.com
Tue Apr 12 12:49:13 EDT 2005

In august I will have been a ham for 48 years.   And, it seems to me that the 
attitude of "getting something for nothing" or "of ot isn't easy then I am 
not interested" is a prevailing attitude of many who claim to seek a ham 
license.  As for me, I try to be patient with these attitudes but sooner or later one 
must quit wasting time with those who really do not want it and concentrate 
on those who show more interest and extend  significant effort to learn.  A 
"want to be" who does not practice or even attempt to memorize does not really 
want to learn.
Think back to when you were a "young timer" and recollect what you did to 
And, did you really have a mentor holding your hand ALL the way???

I am not advocating 'do nothing to help' but I do borrow from an old bible 
philosophy of dusting my shoes off and moving on to more fertile ground.   When 
to dust is a judgement call but I think most are capable of making the call 
after sufficient time has lapsed.   In short, those who REALLY want to learn 
will learn and there is little we can do to stop them.   On the other hand, those 
who really do not want to learn(for what ever reason) will NOT learn and 
there is little one can do to help them.
However, one should not close the door, because somewhere in the future a NON 
learner may just decide to learn and we should be equally ready to help them.


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