[TenTec] Audio blues

Larry Menzel lmenzel at rms401k.com
Tue Apr 12 23:37:02 EDT 2005



Well, here's a conundrum for you all to ponder.  


When I first received my Orion, I received EXCELLENT SSB audio reports.
"You've never sounded better"  "best audio I've ever heard".


OK.  I was really pleased.  Kindofa easy setup, using an Adonis microphone,
nice easily driven audio, barefoot.


Today, 6 weeks later.  "Larry, your audio sounds terrible."  "It's kinda
muffled"  "sounds like you have an rf problem"


What the __________ ?  I didn't change anything.zippo.nadda.



OK.LF rolloff now set at 250hz instead of  50.  Better, but still not
there.still not crisp.  Dunno.


Question is, why the hell does this 3600 buck radio act like this on SSB?
A buddy of mine had his for FOUR days, and was so disgusted by receiver shut
downs and AWFUL audio on ssb that he sent it back today!  In fact they guys
on 75 this morning said it sounded different to some degree or another on
each transmission!  Man, I'm stumped.


I love this radio.  It's got the best receiver, and is the best cw rig I've
ever used.  But what's with this SSB problem anyhow?


Anyone else having  garbled or rf-sounding audio problems?    I want the rig
to work on all modes, and for the price, it damn well should, eh?


I have not had ANY RF problems with any other radio in my shack.  Yes,
grounded.  Yes, power supply grounded. Yes, master rest done.  


I'm open to suggestions.


Larry, N0XB

Northfield, MN

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