[TenTec] Omni VI and power supply occilation???

J. Reed jhreed at chilitech.net
Tue Apr 19 11:51:17 EDT 2005

Good morning once more Denton,  my inquiring mind 
is starting to focus on your 'supply' which is starting 
to sound like a non-filtered charger, hitting the 
batteries at 35+ amps on positive peaks of about 20+ volts
every 120th of a second.  The Omni can't take that 
(in my opinion) too long.  Also, at the initial start 
in the morning, it's posssible that there's a light 
coating of hydrogen bubbles on the plates of the 
batteries and for a fraction of a moment, the spikes 
go straight to the Omni.  To test this idea, put your 
scope on the batteries (without the OMNI connected), 
and check for pulses... IF you don't have a scope, 
take your AC voltmeter and set it for about 20 vac 
and see just what the indicated AC reading is. 
Remember, the 1.414 x AC value will give you the peak 
value that might be causing you grief...  just some thoughts,  
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: denton 
  To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment 
  Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2005 11:14
  Subject: [TenTec] Omni VI and power supply occilation???

  I recently purchased a used Omni VI that quit transmitting, sent it in to TT 
  for repair and alingment. TT replaced the finals and some other work...
  I recieved the repaired Omni yesterday and wasted no time getting back on 
  the air.
  This morning....no rf out AGAIN!!! Exact same sympthons as before.
  I made a call to the TT repair department, and they said since I run a 
  homebrew power supply, I may have an ocillation from the power supply that 
  is destroying the finals in the Omni.
  What ocillation??
  I have used this power supply for years. It is currently feeding an FT 990 
  and uhf/vhf radio without problems. The power supply has fed various TT hf 
  rigs thru the years without problem. Is there something unique about an Omni 
  that will not allow it to be used in my station on the existing power 
  The power supply is currently hooked up to a pair of absorption mat deep 
  cycle batteries with a blocking diode between the B+ and the batteries. It 
  has been used this way for quite some time without problem, and the power 
  supply alone is capable of 35 amps continous all day long.
  TT also tried to tell me this morning that I may have to run the Omni, when 
  it gets back from being repaired a second time, on a separate power supply 
  that will shut down when it detects ocillation.
  Anyone run across this before...thanks.... 

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