[TenTec] Using Wavetek test equipment

J. Reed jhreed at chilitech.net
Fri Aug 19 20:22:50 EDT 2005

Thank you Stuart, the load I was feeding was a lo-pass filter in
the 3 to 30 mhz range...  I just looked at the Int/ext switch and 
there's only one pole switching to a BNC connector for external... 
but in the internal position it doesn't feed anything.  I was just 
wondering IF my unit was not standard but was designed/intended 
to be driven by an external oscillator ONLY... On my other 
Wavetek 5100, the internal TCXO is very observable and even  
correctable by comparing to WWV by direct comparison... Could I 
have 'special' order Wavetek 5130A?   Jim, W3RYJ

PS: I do have an external osc-driver in the form of a Z3801A... 
     so no problem... just curious thats all.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Stuart Rohre 
  To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment 
  Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 20:04
  Subject: Re: [TenTec] Using Wavetek test equipment

  It has an internal signal source, which the int ext sw controls.  Make sure 
  the internal source has not been pulled for some reason, gets DC, etc. or 
  the INT EXT sw might be bad in INT position.

  What load are you trying to drive?


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