[TenTec] Orion vs SDR-1000

CATFISHTWO@aol.com CATFISHTWO at aol.com
Tue Aug 30 00:24:51 EDT 2005

In some respects, it is a bit of concern that they may cut into the market  
for Orion and Orion II, BUT  then again, perhaps  another entry into  the soft 
ware defined radio world will allow us to advance the technology even  faster.
Sometimes if several folks work on the same problem at the same time from  
different approaches, we, the consumer is the one who benefits the most.
I think of it kind of like the linux software, everyone has the ability to  
change it in a way that is useful to them, as in designing programs that still  
fit inside the linux framework.
So in the long run, a little competition and a different outlook may in the  l
ong run be a boon to us all.
Just my opinion, YMMV
tom N6AJR

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