[TenTec] Airpax circuit breaker for Orion

Ken Buchsbaum depshrink at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 2 09:30:41 EST 2005

Can you give us the part number and where you ordered this from?  I 
am interested in purchasing a few of these myself.

Ken , KB3FK

At 08:41 AM 12/2/2005, you wrote:
>Thanks for your reply and comments. When I saw the plot on break response
>time, I immediately ordered the 20A instant breaker. As someone has
>suggested, I will probably use the breaker as the off/on switch for my
>John, N9JG
> >Now lets look at the 20A instant breaker.
> >The instant break at 100% rating will not trip in one HOUR.
> >At 135% rating (27A) it may trip.
> >At 150% rating (30A) it will trip in .1 seconds MAX.
> >We don't need to look at other currents from this point.
> >
> >I bought a 20A Fast breaker and one time I saw 26A on the Astron
> >RS-35M meter and the breaker didn't trip so I killed the power
> >after about 5 seconds. At this time I went back to the 18A
> >instant breaker I had used with the Corsair II and now it will
> >trip at a max of about 24.3A though it happens so fast I can't
> >really tell but it's over 20A. Therefore with my Jupiter I use
> >the 18A instant though a 20A would be ok. With the Orion I think
> >that the 20A would be the best choice though a 22A MIGHT be ok if
> >you're willing to accept 33A and up to 5 seconds before trip.
> >
> >73 Jim K4CGY
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