[TenTec] Airpax circuit breaker for Orion

Duane A Calvin ac5aa at juno.com
Sat Dec 3 10:41:41 EST 2005

You know what's odd about this conversation (which I'm helping to extend
way beyond its useful life) is that TT gear has been designed this way
for many years, and lots of us have used their rigs with non-TT supplies
and had no problems at all.  Maybe we're just cautious and make sure
we're transmitting into a reasonably tuned load when full power is
applied, but I don't recall seeing zillions (or even dozens) of reports
of failed finals here as one can often read on other manufacturer's
reflectors on equipment which includes foldback designs.  I'm not sure
what is inherent in the design that allows decent power into mismatched
loads without frying the finals, but I appreciate the design point!  Just
a off-the-wall observation.

        73, Duane  (9 years with Omni VI+ and Orion, nonresonant
antennas, and zero final amp fails)

On Fri, 2 Dec 2005 23:38:11 EST OTAKEBI at aol.com writes:
> If you have an auto tuner like the new MFJ and you let it do its 
> thing  
> without protection you will hit a reactive on the way to a good 
> match and bye  bye 
> finals again.
> > 

Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas


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