[TenTec] OMNI VI and fast switching amp hook up ?

dbp@tds.net dbp at tds.net
Sun Dec 4 21:13:54 EST 2005

Hi All-
 It was me! I asked the question a week ago about the OMNI VI relay, when I said that my QSK mods (Measures, AG6K) work fine: "Works great but, the OMNI relay used to key non Ten Tec amps is annoying on CW. (Not real annoying but....) Of course when not using the amp, which is 99.9% of the time I can switch the relay off and have quiet CW. Is there any reason why I can't tap into the TX EN and TX OUT jumper with a "Y" connection and run the quiet transistor switching to ground since TX OUT does go to ground when its active and then leave the relay OFF?"
 My problem is to run the OMNI VI keying the amp (TL-922A) quietly. The amp relays are now very quiet, the TT relay is too loud. I think it is too loud since when I use my ORION to key the amp through the ORION "AMP KEY1" jack, it is quiet.
 I want to  key the OMNI VI and the amp without using the relay in the OMNI, by using the TX EN/ TX OUT instead.
 Lot's of comments were made, and I thank all of you, including Gert in Austria and many others. Some really good ideas have got me thinking in the right direction.
 Using ideas from many of you, I think I am solving the problem by running an external circuit off the short between TX En and TX Out. Not done yet, but it is a fine endeavor for now. I'll let you know.
 73 de Dave in NH  K1OPQ

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