[TenTec] Low Power Ten-Tec Ant Tuner ???

Stuart Rohre rohre at arlut.utexas.edu
Mon Dec 5 17:51:51 EST 2005

When I bought my Ten Tec counterpoise tuner kit, it was $59.  It was an 
entertaining and easy build, and then I did exactly what was discussed here, 
modified it to be either a counterpoise tuner, or by plugging in a shorted 
BNC plug, it turned back into a counterpoise tuner.  I had to rearrange the 
order of the monitoring circuit, but that was a one wire move.

The metering still reads maximum current either to an antenna in L net mode, 
or to ground wire in counterpoise mode.

There are many hams in small apartments who don't have room for quarter wave 
wires inside or out, who can benefit by a counterpoise tuner and a 10 foot 


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