David H. Walker k0cop at onlymyemail.com
Fri Dec 9 15:54:54 EST 2005

Living in the land of lawyers there's no way I'll tell you what to use 
to protect "very expensive finals". My beer is important to me. Selfish, 
I know, sorry but wording wise we've crossed a line.

As for Tentec, we've had a run on the Tentec parts of late for some 
reason and I'm in a backorder situation. I can tell you that we've never 
sold a 25A into a Tentec app that I'm aware of, but a ton of fast trip 
20's. Quote on those below. Hope that answers your question. Sorry for 
the delivery delay - for a year we've had 35 odd pcs of these sitting 
here and all of a sudden you Ham guys gobbled them up within a week! 

Side note, as you might deduce from the quote below, these are 
inexpensive and we bump into min order requirements. Most guys buy an 
extra or 2 rather than simply pay the min - makes sense, but it means 
I'm sure there are quite a few of these sitting as spares out there in 
Ham land. Might see if anyone wants to let one go in the mean time.


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