[TenTec] Orion or not Orion, that is the question.....

Andy Hamon andyh at cwgsy.net
Fri Dec 16 04:34:54 EST 2005

I have been following the "naming" thread for a while and the whole  
thing is a bit bemusing!
If TenTec want to call their radios Orion and Orion II, then that is  
surely what they should be called?
As one other reflectee mentioned, the Orion is a fine radio but by no  
means a classic (it's just not old enough, even by 21st century  
technology standards!)
When working one of the many Yaesu users, they all report that they  
are using FT1000, sometimes D or Mk V. Not Classic, not Original, not  
"Second Generation" just the model name / number the manufacturer uses.
Let us nobel Ten Tec users do the same, use its real name.

Or maybe we should use the Ten Tec part number??? Would be quicker to  
send?? There's a thought, all confusion removed.

That's my 2c worth.

73 & season's greetings

Andy, GU4WTN
Happy TenTec 565 user

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