[TenTec] CVS TDE headphones

ron roncasa at verizon.net
Wed Dec 28 19:20:47 EST 2005

I beg to differ,
as lifetime wearer of hearing aids, I know
a pair (if needed) of digital aids can be had for under $1100.
The Omni VI costs more than that!
Gesh, I wish I could chose between the two.
Let me see, radio or hearing aids, radio or hearing aids .....

Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX wrote:
> Oh, but there is.........hearing aids.......to a point.
> And they are a LOT more expensive than $19.95 headphones.  One error with 
> those $19.95 headphones causing subsequent hearing damage and one will find 
> that a pair of hearing aids will greatly exceed the cost of the Orion II. 
> Neither are covered on medical insurance.

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