[TenTec] Fear and trembling over headphones

OTAKEBI@aol.com OTAKEBI at aol.com
Wed Dec 28 22:28:08 EST 2005

I have found that nothing can be said that does not eventually gets a  
negative response.
I know that reading this list can cause eyestrain, that could lead to  
permanent eye damage, but I read it anyway.
Life is just to short for this fellows.
We have gone from a good deal on headphones to going deaf because somebody  
pointed out the good deal and shared it with us.
We should be grateful for the information.
Next thing I am waiting to hear, (no pun intended), is suing this poor guy  
for telling us where to get the great headphone deal that caused one of us  
hearing damage.
Lets put away all our rigs because of all that stray RF!
Why I know a guy that was exposed to high RF and....

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