[TenTec] Headphone alarmists

Lee A Crocker lee_crocker at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 29 09:36:59 EST 2005

>How many times have you heard one give a signal
report of 59 or such then 
followed by "can you repeat your name and QTH"?  Now
looking at that analogy 
of that report, the 5 = Perfectly readable, and 9 =
Extremely strong 
signals.  From that we must deduct that the
transmitting station's audio was 
terrible or the receiving station operator was indeed
deaf from using 
headphones for years.<

You may deduce that, what I would deduce is that the
reporting operator doesn't want to hurt the other
operator's feelings by giving him the 22 or 33 he

bang bang... rifle shot....

73  W9OY

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