[TenTec]Orion roofing filters

Jim Davis nn6ee at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 5 16:26:33 EST 2005

Our OWN personal preference is to use the wider
bandwidth filtering in a contest to find out who's out
there in a contest and then if a certain
station/contact is needed, then and only then would a
narrower FILTER be switched in.  As far as the
extremely narrow 250hz filter is concerned using most
of our currently avaiable rigs the narrow filter
does'nt really provide any advantage because other
than being a waste of your hard-earned $$$ in alot of
cases using it causes a ringing/echo which can be very
irritating!  BUT I must preface that statement by
saying that since I don't have the TT 250hz "Roofing
filter" (I have the 500hz) in MY Orion I can't say if
that actually occurs in our particular rig!!!


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