[TenTec] 1000 Hz bandwidth filters?

k7gt at charter.net k7gt at charter.net
Tue Feb 8 13:43:15 EST 2005

I have recently acquired another brand of radio gear for
which a 1000 Hz filter is available from INRAD. A serious
contester friend of mine has suggested I use one in the
subrx in CW mode and I am planning to do that. The question
of this post is to see if other Tentec fans would like to
join in a special order from INRAD for a 1000 Hz bandwidth
filter in either or both IFs of OmniVIs. I am presently 
using 1800 Hz filters in the first slot positions of both
IFs but I don't do SSB. I have them for relatively wide
bandwidth listening on CW. A 1000 Hz or 1200 Hz filter in
one or both positions would actually be more appropriate,
if one could get such made up. I have not brought this up
with George at INRAD, but would be willing to do so if
there are nine others interested in such. Probably the
bandpass IF (6.3 MHz) first, but the main IF is also

Any interest?

Allan K7GT
Gold Hill OR   ... just down the road a piece from Umpqua..

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