[TenTec] TT (Orion) Future improvements!!!

Jim Davis nn6ee at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 13 13:51:22 EST 2005


In the future I hope that the Guys @ TT have the
wisdom to offer "Hardware" improvements (when
available) instead of offering a entirely new version
of our Rig. Look what manufacturers like Icom did to
us  when they brought out the IC-756, then the PRO,
then the PRO 2, then the PRO 3!!!  All similar rigs
but enough differences to preclude any chance of
up-grading any of them by their owners which I think
is an insult to all of us who ARE NOT independently
wealthy or have a psycotic need to keep up with the
"JONESES!!!"  $3400.00 is too big a chunk of change to
have to part with every time TT brings out a better

The "ORION" is a stellar rig, no doubt about it, BUT
still the hardware should be made avaialble when the
time comes and it WILL!!!

Any thoughts???


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