[TenTec] RE: [Orion] Orion subreceiver

n4lq n4lq at iglou.com
Wed Jan 5 07:08:30 EST 2005

Is the reason for the sub par sub receiver due to not having a roofing 
If not, what is the difference between it and main rx?

-----Original Message-----
From: n1eu at netscape.net (Barry N1EU)
To: tentec at contesting.com
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2005 05:56:54 -0500
Subject: [TenTec] RE: [Orion] Orion subreceiver

> Bill Tippett <btippett at alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> >N7US wrote
> > >I understand that the Orion's subreceiver is general coverage and is
> not
> >nearly the receiver that the main receiver is for the ham bands. 
> What's the
> >practical significance of the poorer subreceiver?
> >
> >         It has significantly worse IMD and BDR performance
> >than the Main RX, but it depends how you use it whether
> >that is important or not.  I normally use the Sub RX only
> >in split operation to listen on my TX frequency (for example
> >to find the stations DX is working in a pileup).  These
> >signals are normally strong enough that IMD is not a big issue.
> I use the subrx a large percentage of the time for stereo diversity
> reception with a second antenna.  On the low bands, I'll feed the subrx
> with either a 2nd Beverage antenna or the TX antenna.  I do encounter
> its limitations, which manifest in hearing either "ghost" images of
> strong offchannel (many Khz away) stations or its noise floor modulated
> by close-in (<2Khz away) strong stations.  Otherwise it performs quite
> well.  
> 73,
> Barry N1EU
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