[TenTec] New roofing filter in Omni VI- Opt. 1

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Wed Jan 12 08:27:37 EST 2005

NI0C wrote:

 >The roofing filter is designed for a CW offset of 700
Hz, and works fine with the slightly different offset (600 Hz) of the 753.
I suspect that Inrad chose 700 Hz as a compromise offset so that it would
work equally well with their 600 Hz offset filter and the standard Ten Tec
750 Hz offset.

         Wow!  Is that right?  I NEVER listen with CW pitch higher
than 450 Hz and normally use 270 Hz for really weak signals.  The
ability to set Orion to a pitch below 300 Hz is one of its major
benefits IMHO.  No rig I'm aware of since the TS-930S has allowed
this (with the possible exception of the IC-781 which I've never
used).  My ears must be strange but I would never seriously consider
any rig that forced me to use a 700 Hz pitch (sole exception being
my $205 8 ounce AT Sprint-II QRP rig with pitch fixed at 600 Hz).

                                                 73,  Bill  W4ZV

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