[TenTec] Binaural (Stereo) CW Redux! Yes Orion has it...

Jerry Volpe kg6tt at tomorrowsweb.com
Thu Jan 13 10:43:28 EST 2005

Bill Tippett wrote:

> KG6TT:
> >OK, there it is.... Binaural CW Redux! If it is
> useful in notion give it a try.
>         I assume most know Binaural RX is included
> in Orion.  Text and .wav example below:
> http://www.tentec.com/panoramic.htm
>                                 73,  Bill  W4ZV
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I am not sure what your point is other than the fact that it is a good 
idea demonstrated by the fact that Ten-Tec built it into the Orion. 
Anyway I knew it was. But I don't own an Orion and I suspect there are 
one or two others on this reflector who do not as well.... and they are 
the ones who might benefit from this rather simple project. For me the 
cost of the binaural filter added up to about $25 and I could use it 
with my Omni-VI Plus or my Paragon or my Scout (even my 526). The Orion 
was a far more expensive option and not in my plans or my wish list..

Jerry, KG6TT

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