[TenTec] yv5mbx: Orion - Filter Handling???

Javier Remoto jlopez at plasticosomega.com
Fri Jan 14 10:40:50 EST 2005


I am the proudly owner of an Orion since several weeks ago. 

I am having some troubles to optimize the use of the PBT/BW & CUT.

I had read & applied a paper found regarding the Optimal Use of Orion for Receiving for a Weak Signal Dxing & Contesting.

Still I get lost from time to time picking up weak signals, I do not completely understand the graphics regarding the filters setup shown at the screen.

Is there further more detailed info abt the use of this features or maybe some basic points that could be follow to optimize the use of the radio?

I will appreciatte your comments or suggestions.

73's de Javier

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