[TenTec] Other Omni questions ....

Rick Williams rick.williams at telus.net
Sat Jan 15 10:05:53 EST 2005

Bill, I have replaced all my pilot lamps in the Omni V, Herc II and 253
transmatch with LEDs.  I wrote it up on my website.  My choice was to run
them a little dim as well.  As they say "Your mileage may vary".

Good luck.



Website:  http://www3.telus.net/ve7tk  


To: 	tentec at contesting.com
Subject: 	[TenTec] INRAD Omni VI roofing filter kit - success
From: 	Bill Tippett <btippett at alum.mit.edu>
Reply-to: 	tentec at contesting.com
Date: 	Sat, 15 Jan 2005 09:24:56 -0500
List-post: 	<mailto:tentec at contesting.com>

Other Omni VI questions as I'm checking Dave's rig:

2.  One of the meter lamps is out.  Are there replacements available
other than contacting Ten-Tec?  Anyone use LED substitutes?

73, Bill W4ZV

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