[TenTec] Scott Robins comments: TENTEC Jupiter updates

Michael Hunt ms1hunt at comcast.net
Mon Jan 17 12:56:25 EST 2005

While TENTEC has produced outstanding quality products for the Amateur
community, and I for the most part am a TENTEC aficionado,  It continues to
amaze me that you guys can genuinely be so obtuse.

Repeatedly, the TENTEC defenders, have covered your back while honestly
inquiring when the next Jupiter update will be released.  The side stepping
politicians in DC could take lessons from you guys.  I/WE haven't heard a
word about any committed updates in the workings or that any updates are
intended for the Jupiter.  It's common knowledge that the Orion has
continued to be fixed and updated.  It's common knowledge that Jupiter
owners have requested updates and suggested even that appropriate charges
could be added if that would expedite the updates.  No definitive response
from TENTEC except Scotts' display of attitude.

Let's look at TENTEC's record of updates for the Jupiter according to your
web site rfsquared:

2002 8 updates
2003 3 updates
2004 0 updates  Hummmmmmm

WOW; no wonder the amateur community is expressing doubt.  "The last rig
you'll ever need to buy."
Now the Pegasus is discontinued.  No doubt the Jupiter soon to follow
hopefully to be replaced with a new and improved version.

What about the guys trying to make a decision based upon the promise of
updates.  In comparison to any other manufacturer other than the
approximately $11,000.00 street price of the JA rigs, only TENTEC is
producing SDR radios that are user upgradeable.  If the Jupiter were never
again upgraded, TENTEC has already engineered and produced in it a very
practical and highly respected radio.  If you like the features of the
Jupiter by all means buy it!  Currently, only TENTEC offers a 30 day like it
or return it policy.  How could you go wrong with that kind of offer?

As for the continued side stepping of direct questions about if and when
another upgrades is coming ...

With all due respect to TENTEC and you Scott, if you don't have some
definitive positive information to share best not to raise the ire of your
ham buddies by insulting our intelligence with fuzzy logic and stupid

Just keep producing outstanding amateur equipment, show more respect for
your market and we'll deal with your tude.

73's to all the TENTEC staff and amateur's

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