[TenTec] Orion reset

Robert Carroll rlcarroll at patmedia.net
Tue Jan 18 18:09:28 EST 2005


I had the same experience.  I loved the rx but found it decided to freeze
every few hours of heavy use and if I left it on long enough it would do the
same without transmitting.  I simply could not cure it but saw a few emails
about sensitivity of the amp keying line to spikes from amp relays and in
general sensitivity to RF, etc.  I'm happy to say I very rarely have a
problem these days.  I never really got to the bottom of it but I ended up
putting ferrite on everything coming into the rig--except the ground put
including the power lead.  I also had input from TenTec that at one point
the Astron power supplies, in particular the 35A unit, had a questionable
connection from - to ground.  I changed to a relatively late Astron supply.
The combination of all of this resulted in elimination of the problem. I am
very suspicious that the problem was noise from the PC getting into the
Orion control port but I can't really back that up. By the way, my antennas
are about 200' from the shack and I'm not aware of having RF in the
shack--but you can never be sure.

Try the ferrites.  I include below a note from the RTTY reflector about a
cheap source of them.  I just ordered a bag.

Bob W2WG
From: rtty-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rtty-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of Mac McDaniel
Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2005 5:36 AM
To: rtty at contesting.com
Subject: [RTTY] Help with keeping RF out of PC


I sent you an e-mail the other day with a link to a web page that would help
with your RFI.  I was having problems myself at the time that I sent the
e-mail to you and was looking for a fix myself.  I was doing everything that
Jim says to do all of his web page at:
www.radioworks.com I put two Line Isolators, one between the radio and amp,
and one between the amp and tuner.  I really don't know if they helped me or
not.  Because, my problem was with my computer locking up or going crazy on
me on 80, 40 in 160 meters.  It still did it after I put them on.  I had
ferrite beads on some of my equipment for a longtime and they seemed to help
but, they were expensive at RadioShack at $4.95 apiece.  Then I bought some
from radioworks.com at $2 apiece and they seem to help even more.  THEN, I
found this on eBay:


I got them in the mail a couple of days ago.  They were shipped superfast by
this guy.  I started clamping them on every cord on the back of my computer,
monitor, mouse and keyboard.  Two or three of them on every cord there was.
I had 100 of them and I was on a mission.  I had about 25 ferrite beads on
my radio's and knew they were working.  I was just tired of paying so much
for them.  I used about 20 on my computer and still have about 80 left.  I
was on 80 and 160 this evening playing with the contest.
I didn't pay much attention to any thing because I was running low-power.
But, then Easter Island came on and I kicked the amp on.
About 1200 watts and my computer didn't do a thing.  I was shocked!  No
lockups!  No windows popping up!  So, I played more.
As far as I can tell the ferrite beads took care of the problem but, I am
still in the experimental stage.  I'm going to clip the rest of them one
everything in the shack.  The wife and kids better run!

Well, it's 4 a.m. in the morning and I'm shot.  I just had to pass this on
to you.  I thought it was a great deal.  100 ferrite beads for $27.  And
hopefully no more RFI problems.  But I'm sure that Murphy is still running
around here somewhere.  I'm going to put a ferrite core around his neck.
I am in no way affiliated with radioworks.com or the guy that sells these
beads.  I'm just excited!

Good luck and may we have a RFI free 2005.  hi hi

73, Mac  N0OB

-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of John Thompson
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 8:48 AM
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: [TenTec] Orion reset

I have had the Orion for 7 months.  Its receiver is
very immune to overload and adjacent channel
My unit seems to mute on receive or transmit, more on
receive, every 2-5 hours during contest operation,
requiring master reset, which takes aroun 2.5 minutes
with user memory restore.  There were 7 resets for
CQWW SSB and CW each. This muting always occurs at the
maximum contest rate, and is disruptive.  I think this
is the "Achilles heel" for this rig.  It has been
suggested to do all keying from the front panel by Ten
Tec(disabling th on-board keyer), which does not help.
 The 1.372 firmware does not help.
Any comments?  Do I have a defective unit?
John K3MD

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