[TenTec] Orion AUX out audio question

Martin AA6E msembx-aa6e at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 22 23:13:03 EST 2005

The answer is yes, sort of.  

The rules seem to be:

if (Left Source [audio menu]> = Main) then 
  { if(Main volume > 0) then Aux Out ["left"] = Main Rx
      else Aux Out = Zero }
if (Left Source = Sub) then
  { if(Sub volume > 0) then Aux Out = Sub Rx
      else Aux Out = Zero }
/* Now the really interesting case */
if (Left Source = Both) then
   { if (Sub volume = Main Volume = Zero) then Aux Out = Zero
     if (Sub volume > 0 and Main volume = 0) then Aux Out=Sub Rx
     if (Main volume > 0 and Sub volume = 0) then Aux Out=Main Rx
     if (Main volume > 0 and Sub volume > 0)
          then Aux Out = Sub Rx PLUS Main Rx

When Aux Out is not Zero, it is at "line level".  The actual front
panel volume settings have no effect.  I haven't checked the Aux Out

That's not all.  The output as a function of "mute" state of main or
sub receivers is even more exotic.  I will leave that as an exercise to
the reader.

I did read about this somewhere, but I can't find the reference.  It
doesn't seem to be in the Operator's Manual where I'd expect it.

I think opinions will vary whether this bit of logic is elegant or
weird.  It does lead to strange behavior if you're running a digital
mode on the Main Rx, which you don't want to hear on the speaker, so
you mute it and you try to listen on the Sub Rx.  And probably in other
situations, too.

All this programming is a cheap substitute for what we ideally should
have, which is a separate audio bus/switch/mixer for the Aux Out system
with its own level controls. Or maybe better, separate line outputs for
main & sub receivers, not tied the strange and artificial concept of
"left" and "right" for monaural receivers!

73, Martin AA6E

--- Robert Carroll <rlcarroll at patmedia.net> wrote:

> The Orion supplies left and right audio out through the aux DIN
> connector on
> the back.  They are "line level."  Is the signal out independent of
> the
> setting of the volume control?
> Bob W2WG
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