[TenTec] Delta II in a moble.... not recommended.

Ariel M. Elam k4aal at comcast.net
Mon Jan 24 22:26:07 EST 2005

Tnx for the heads-up on the Delta II. I was seriously considering 
replacing my FT 100 (too many menues) in my van with a Delta II. I also 
have heard from an owner that a Scout does not like low voltage.

Ariel, K4AAL

Jerry Volpe wrote:

> Larry:
> A few months ago I was about to do the same thing. you are currently 
> considering. I had found a Delta II used that looked in fine condition. 
> So I contacted Ten-Tec engineers to talk about the Delta II for mobile 
> and they DID NOT RECOMMEND IT at all for mobile or battery use. It seems 
> that the Delta II does not like to work on less than 13.5 vdc (or 
> thereabouts!) It definitely won't work reliably at 12 volts or less. 
> They recommended that I use a Scout or even a vintage Triton IV if I had 
> the physical room. I was a bit saddened by this info as I thought the 
> Delta II would be a great mobile for me. As verification the individual 
> that I was going to buy from told me that they had the same problems 
> when they tried to use the Delta II in a van which was why they were 
> selling it..
> Please note that most Delta II's suffer from a failing backlight on 
> their main display. This is not made of descrete lamps or LEDs but a 
> special light panel. This part has been obsolete for some time and 
> consequently Ten-Tec can no longer provide them. A number of Delta II 
> owners have created work arounds using other commercially available 
> light panels. A search of Google will probably give you some background 
> here.
> Anyway, I bought a second Scout for the car.
> 73,
> Jerry, KG6TT
> Larry Keith wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com 
>> [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
>> Greetings!
>> Are there any Delta II owners out there?  I am curious about this rig 
>> since
>> I ran across an ad during my recent perusal of some old ham magazines.  I
>> have read the QST review and the reviews on eham.
>> Specifically, I am considering a Delta II as a mobile rig.
>> Thoughts?  Comments?
>> All appreciated!
>> 73,
>> Larry Keith
>> KQ4BY
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