[TenTec] Omni VI & 960 Power Supply

Vic Klein vhklein at ptd.net
Wed Jan 26 23:09:27 EST 2005

Do a search on the reflector. I recall the 960 was designed for use with the Corsair and was rated
for something like 20 amps, whjile the Paragons and Omnis required 22 amps as supplied by the 961
and 962 supplies.


> I just acquired an Omni VI and the 960 power supply.  The radio does funny
> things when using the 960 supply, including the internal power supply
> speaker, like rumbling in the speaker during SSB transmit, microphonic cw
> notes after using the tune button, etc.  If I use an Astron supply, no
> problems.  So, I have deduced that it must be RF getting into the supply and
> making the radio do funny things.
> Anyone else heard of this?  Is the 960 supply susceptible to this?  What is
> the difference between the 960 and the 061/962 supplies.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Tom, W0ZR

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